Robin Hill Nature Preserve

RH News Page
Slideshow 1
Slideshow 2
RH Manor 1
Rare Trees
Links to Friends
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News and Notes

January 2013: According to the State of New York, we have seven Champion Big Trees at Robin Hill: the largest example of its species in NY. Our famous 90 foot Giant Sequoia, of course, with its companion Metasequoia right next to it. But one of our three Osage Oranges is the NY State Champion, and we have the Champion Mimosa Silktree, Yellowwood, Royal Paulownia, Glossy Buckthorn, and Pussy Willow! Will Smith planted over 450 varieties of trees here; many have been lost to weather or age, but most are still going strong.

March 2013: We have a Facebook page set up for Robin Hill, with some photo galleries that are a little easier to scan than our slideshows here on the web site (working on that, sorry). You can Like us at

March 2013: The first batch of 50 slides that were taken during the building of the manor house at Robin Hill are up on the RH Manor 1 page. More to come.

July 2014: Robin Hill Manor was nominated for the Medina Sandstone Hall of Fame!

September 2014: Added the Directions page and some new Links to Friends. Please be sure to check our Facebook Page for regular pictures and news items.

May 2015: In our searches through the old files, we discovered two handouts that Marion Smith gave to visitors who asked about the rare trees. They are reproduced here and linked from the index bar.

September 2016: We are participating in the Orleans County Heritage Festival, as one of the "Historic Gems" of Orleans County!